Decentralized Resource | |
DID Entity | |
id (DID) | |
service (endpoints) | |
authentication | |
publicKey | |
@context | |
... | |
DID Document | |
id (DID) | |
... | |
Verifiable Data Registry (VDR) | |
Ledger Node | |
P6. Drummond's DID Principles - Rocketchat - Dec. 18, 2018: "One thing I can easily clarify, since it's straight out of the spec: *DID* always refers to the *decentralized identifier*, period. If you want to talk about the JSON-LD document that the DID resolution process returns, that's called the *DID document*. The DID document contains a copy of the DID itself, but the *DID document is not the DID* and the *DID is not the DID document*." | |